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On Demand Services App For Mechanics

On-Demand Services App For Mechanics

Air mechaniks Native App in Android and iOS is developed by Mobulous for Kenya based startup AIRMECHANIKS INC.

Brief about AirMechaniks:

Airmechaniks is a mobile application tool that links drivers & riders with garages or mechanics. Drivers & riders are also able to schedule appointments by bookings, maintain vehicle service records and view service provider ratings.

On-Demand Services App For Mechanics

Garage Owners or Mechanics are able to view customer requests on their smartphones, accept or reject bookings among other features.

It is complete on Demand Services solution connecting customers with the right mechanics or garage owners. Simplifying the way car services are booked.


  • Sign up/Login as Customer or Mechanics or Garage owners
  • Easily search for Mechanics/Garage owners around your location
  • Request for Mechanic services (car shit down, regular service )
  • Instant service or regular service requests for a selected date and time
  • Easily manage to book and rate the respective mechanic/garage owners

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On-Demand Services App For Mechanics

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