Adopt a Pet | Case Study

Want to keep a pet? Then go on and find the perfect one for you. Now there is no need to drive and search for the pet shops then juggle around what to buy? What to leave? My Pet is the best pet finder tool for discovering information about different pets near you.! If you want to sell pets, then simply upload the complete description of pets. Buyer will have a wide variety of choices available, he can get the perfect match of the desired pet. Buyer can view the detailed description entered by the seller and will contact the owner of the pet. Buyer can chat with the owner regarding more detailed information. Pet ownership provides several physiological, social and psychological benefits so without wasting much time just exploring the new world of pets via this application. So, all you need to do is to download the app and choose whatever you like and in case of any doubts, ask pet owners directly.
Feature List:
• Login/Signup
• Search Pet by name or breed
• View listing and details of pets