Boost the conversion rate from the app like Instagram

Boost the conversion rate

Do you love to spend time on Instagram? I guess almost all of you enjoy the fantastic app, Instagram. It is one of the most popular apps among youngster, with 700 million active users around the world. Instagram is not limited to upload pictures and videos, but also you can upload content to your Instagram profile to boost your product’s sale for your business. The app was founded in October 2010 and was sold for $1 billion in 2012. According to reports, more than 40 billion photos have been shared in the Instagram stories, and here is more than 4.2 billion number of Instagram likes per day. Do you know that with the help of Instagram story feature, more and more no. of businesses are engaging on Instagram and increase their brand to generate sales.

Some fantastic facts about the most lovable app, Instagram. Let’s have a look

  • Around 5 million videos were uploaded in the first 24 hours when Instagram featured videos.
  • In comparison to men, women are more active on Instagram as 68% of users are female.
  • The most used hashtag of Instagram is #love, #life, #follow, etc.
  • 91% of Instagram posts are photos.
  • More than 10 million profiles on Instagram are business profile.

The app is so much profitable to business purpose also. Now you might be wondering how Instagram helps users to promote their brands? So, to promote brands, Instagram stories play a crucial role. The Instagram stories attract user’s attention so fastly and able to capture thousands of users at a time.

Now, let’s know about Instagram stories; basically, Instagram stories is a feature of Instagram that helps users to post photos and videos that automatically get deleted after 24 hours. The highlight was introduced in the year 2016. This feature is almost similar to the story functionality of snap chat.

How to upload stories on Instagram for your business brand?

To post a photo or video in Instagram story, you need to apply the following steps:

  • First, you need to tap the camera icon and then take the picture you want to add in your story.
  • You can also add promotional content or a sticker to your Instagram account to make it appealing. If you wish to upload a video post instead of pictures, then you can also do so by just recording videos, and it also has the live option so you can come live and introduce your brand to all the active users.
  • Now, your post is ready, and you can share the post on your account.

How can Instagram stories help to promote your brands?Boost the conversion rate

Customer’s feedback: To get genuine feedback of customer’s is the most essential and crucial part of intensifying marketing as it let you know about customer’s response about your product. Instagram stories have a unique feature that’s a poll sticker. With the help of poll sticker, you can get your customer’s feedback straightforwardly and attractively.

Increase your local discoverability: Instagram has location stickers that help you to know the customer’s about your particular location. With the help of this feature, you can get more attention from users. You can also tag people to see your posts.

Tagging helps you to increase the chance of your brand to be seen more.

Improve your sales: Instagram stories help you to increase your sales and encourage customers to visit your store as it allows you to post a variety of content. You can add your product picture and details every day on your

Instagram story. You can also inform about various discounts, special offers or anything related to your products.

Boost your product goodwill: The Instagram story has a feature of ask question to your users or also let your followers ask you a question. This feature helps you to interact with your users more effectively as your users will know about your brand specialties, and you get to know about your user’s opinion.

Final Thoughts

Instagram is a platform for all businesses to promote your brand effectively. With the help of Instagram stories, you get the fantastic opportunity to interact with your brand with potential customers and announced about your upcoming projects to them. Get your business on Instagram, and I am damn sure you will get the best advantage for your business.

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