How can Augmented Reality (AR) help to boost your business?

Augmented Reality (AR) help to boost your business

Have you heard that augmented reality is one such powerful technology that has the potential to completely change the way of business and help us improve our lives in many aspects? Earlier, augmented reality was just associated with Pokemon Go. In the modern era, We’re constantly being bombarded with news that Augmented Reality is growing more popular. Numerous companies are looking forward to integrating this technology into their business apps. According to a recent forecast by Digi-Capital, AR apps would have 3.5 billion installed bases and a market value of $85-90 billion in the next five years.

Let’s know more about Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) is the latest and smart technology that has completely changed how companies interact with their users. It is considered as a sibling technology of Virtual Reality. Virtual reality works on the environment that is artificial, while augmented reality works on the existing environment.
In the modern era, the usage of augmented reality is increasing rapidly. The most common reason behind its popularity is the convenience it offers to businesses.

Here are some of the stats and facts that you must know about AR-

• According to the report, it is expected that the Augmented Reality Market will generate $70-$75 billion in revenue by 2023.
• Another report suggests approximately 50,000 units of Microsoft’s first-generation AR glasses, the HoloLens, have been sold.
• If we believe the report, more than 60% of online shoppers believe AR would improve their shopping experience.
• In the automotive business, augmented reality is slowly gaining prominence.
• AR is expected to reach $7.05 billion in the healthcare market.

How can Augmented Reality (AR) help to boost your business?

Augmented reality can help boost your sales, build a robust relationship with your users, and enhance customer’s experience. Here are numerous benefits that you can get from Augmented Reality for your business:

• Increased Engagement

By integrating augmented reality technology in the app, companies can interact with their customers directly. People will be able to interact with the company instead of passively watching static adverts or films.
Additionally, such experiences are pretty easy to visualize and share via the internet.

• Taking Online Shopping to New Heights

Do you ever wonder what’s the most common reason behind most people not prefer online shopping? Well, they don’t get the same thing after purchasing from their beloved couch. That is why the market has embraced the “Try Before You Buy” method so readily.
It allows users to compare different products and even try them on before making a purchase.
The Augmented Reality technology allows users to examine your product virtually. Users can know how the product will appear on them.

• Training and Education

AR technology in the education and training system can entirely change its way. It can make education engaging, attractive and convert the most boring subject into an interesting one.
By installing an AR-based education app, users can effectively get sound knowledge.

• Search and Geolocation Tools

AR technology can help to integrate geolocalized advertising features using search and geolocation tools into your business app. Geolocalized advertising is a fantastic feature that can help to attract a significant number of users to your business.
It makes people know about your place and also helps them in finding the route of your place.

• Reducing the cost of Advertising

As we all know, advertising is a costly process. If you advertise through television and media, it might cost thousands of dollars.
AR makes the advertising process much cheaper while also making them more effective.

Some Additional Advantages of AR Apps for the Businesses:

• Increased staff training effectiveness through visualization of work processes
• Sales growth owing to the removal of worries about purchase feasibility.
• As the AR technology is still new and conspicuous, you can surprise clients and draw more attention to your business.
• Due to the great connection and involvement, there is more active interaction with the brand.

Why is augmented reality (AR) a viable marketing strategy for any company?

AR is pretty easy to use for users. There is no need for any additional tool to use the AR app. The smartphone is the only device you require.
AR can be a great addition to companies that already have their app. You need to invest in mobile app development, but it will pay off in revenues and customer loyalty. These days, numerous companies are investing in AR development to attract more users and expand their business.
We offer to integrate AR technology in android app development and iOS app development services. Mobulous is one of the best companies in AR development solutions. Contact us to get the best AR development services:

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