Wednesday, March 26, 2025
fitness app development

Revealing the list of top four fitness apps and why startups should also invest...

Are you looking to start a fitness app development? What is the best app in 2020 that dominates the fitness app development market? Why should you invest in fitness app development? So many questions...
on-demand mobile app development companies like Mobulous help the healthcare industry in numerous ways. This in return, helps the people as a whole and solve many issues that were earlier unimaginable.

How mobile app development companies are transforming the healthcare industry?

Did You Know? - There are over 97,000 health and fitness mobile apps available on mobile or tablet devices for download. Around 52% of smartphone users accumulate health-associated data from their devices. Close to...
Electronic Health Record Software

Benefits of Electronic Health Record Software that can enhance patient care

Gone are the days when doctors and other healthcare practitioners had no choice except to put pen to paper for health records. But, with every time has changed so, the health record process too. Over...

Best Anxiety Apps – How to reduce depression and anxiety levels during Coronavirus?

The whole world is devastated and gruesome due to the deadly contagious pandemic disease Coronavirus (Covid-19). This virus is leaving psychological effects in the lives of humans as they are experiencing higher than normal...
pharmacy management application

Essential Features to include in the Pharmacy Management Software Development

Do you own a pharmacy business? Do you want to set up a new pharmacy, or you planning to modify the present one? Well, in both cases, it is crucial to adopt the technology...
Healthcare App Development

Healthcare app development: Importance of top healthcare apps among hospitals

We all have heard that "Health is a great blessing." It is something that neither can you buy it or nor can you rent it. You have to earn it. These days, to have...
Healthcare app development

Aspects to keep in mind for Healthcare app development – Mobulous

Now it is possible for the people to seek the medical help with the help of healthcare app development. Such apps can help the patients to take the medical help by just sitting at...
Banner healthcare mobile app development UAE

Healthcare mobile app development UAE | My doctor is LIVE | Mobulous

MOBULOUS’s developed Mydoctor UAE is live. Mydoctor is the best way to seek medical help. To make it seamless and smooth, Mobulous has created a platform that lets you connect with any medical professional...
Maps and Navigation Apps Mobulous

Top Mobile App Developers |Maps and Navigation Apps | Mobulous

Maps and Navigation Apps Mobulous as one of the Top leading App developers has gained a lot of expertise in developing Native Maps and Navigation based Applications in Android and iOS. We have recently upgraded "...

Mobile Applications

How to Develop a Customer Experience Led RoadMap?

“The customer is always right.” Harry Gordon Selfridge" One of the most notable quotes in industry and the essence of the sentiment remains true today and...