Features that you need to include to make an app like Calm for a meditation app

meditation app

In the world full of anxiety, stress, and depression, you need something that can keep your mind fresh and calm. There is nothing better than meditation to make your mind relaxed and stress-free. It is something that relaxes your body and mind. It enhances the flow of positive emotions in you. According to Sri Chinmoy, “Meditation means the recognition or the discovery of one’s true self.

You might be wondering just like I used to thought before starting the practice of meditation, “how can sitting quietly and doing some breathing practice wonders to your life”? But trust me after practicing meditation for some days, you will know its wonders. According to research, the number of meditating people are increasing each day, and I genuinely want this number to keep growing more and more.

Let’s see some amazing benefits of doing meditation daily:

* It helps you to slow the aging process and makes you glow more.
* It helps you to maintain your blood pressure.
* It helps you to increase your self-confidence.
* It helps you to make you happy and reduce your tension.
* It helps you to lower the likelihood of different types of distraction and make your mind concentrate on one direction.

Now, if you are planning to set up your meditation app, then you definitely can’t miss out the top 5 features that should be in your app. The features are as follows:

1. Provides instruction from trained teachers:
To learn anything; you need a teacher/trainer who can guide you. Your app must allow users to interact with a highly qualified teacher with a unique perspective on meditation so, that they can guide users and answer their doubts. This feature in your app will help you to get more users quickly.

2. Provides live classes all-day:
Another essential element that your app must have is that it allows for users to live courses according to their preference of time with each day a newly recorded on-demand session. This features can attract users to your app.

3. Push notification:
Push notification means let your users notify about every new thing about your app. This feature plays a crucial role to keep your users connected with your app. if you add a new session, new trainer, any discount, or any topic then you can inform your users directly with this feature.meditation app4. Soothing music
Music plays an important role to keep your mind relaxed and calm. So, you must add thousands of tracks and soothing music sounds such as birds chirping, wind waves, the music of water, and many more that they can listen whenever they want.

5. Checking result
You must add a checking result feature that can help users to know about their daily progress report. It allows users to motivate and inspire them to give more time to the meditation app as they can track their progress and know whether it’s working or not.

What is the development costing of a meditation app?

Generally, it depends on a lot of factors such as no. of features, platform, and size of your app. It also depends on the developer’s rate and time spend on building a meditation app.

What will be your next step?

We all know that the demand for meditation app is increasing day by day, and meditation app development is one of the recommendable and popular fields for startup and entrepreneur. Are you looking for a certified app development company to develop a meditation app for Android or iOS? Do you have any great idea regarding meditation app development? Mobulous is one of the reputable and established mobile app development company and have experience of more than five years with the top-notch service assurance.

Share your idea with us, and we promise you that our expertise will help you and offer the best ways to convert your plan into a successful meditation app for your startup. In case, if you want to ask any question regarding mobile app development, then kindly ask your query at the comment section box. We are here to serve you more!

Product Live Links


App Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mental_training

Google Play: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mentaltrplan/id1470260150?ls=1

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App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/my-doctor-uae/id1446247972?mt=8

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mydoctoruae

Case Study: https://www.mobulous.com/blog/doctors-uae-healthcare-case-study

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