ForOpina: a way to share your opinions


MOBULOUS has successfully developed an app namely ForOpina which is live now. It is basically a forum for debate that covers all the news and the topics of greatest interests; given examples are politics, society, news, sports and all aspects of life that you want to speak about. The app is offering you a complete freedom to speak your heart out or share you opinion regarding any topic. Here, you can create your account absolutely for free and manage your own discussion forums.

All you need to know about ForOpina

ForOpina is an app that provides an open platform for all the people who are willing to discuss on different topics or have the zeal to put their in front of the people. With the help of the app, the world can speak what they exactly feel about any topic that exist.ForOpina

What you need to do?

Create Forums, add new topics, discuss and earn reward points!

Key Features:



ForOpina offers you a very easy signup procedure. If you get registered then it can bring many lucrative advantages to you. Advantages include Winning Prizes, Voting in Polls, Access to only registered user forums, become Forum Moderator and Create new forums.

“Don’t resist yourself to get into such exciting activities.” Hurry up, Register now only!



A forum is an online discussion platform where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. You can continue the conversation based on the categories such as Politics, Entertainment, Sports, Education, Science, Agriculture etc. Moreover, you can go through the Latest Forums and can also subscribe as per your choice. You can also check the Topics, date, creator’s name and the discussion held anytime.ForOpinaCreate your topic:


Do you have any quest in your mind regarding any topic? Ofcourse, everybody has; why to waste the time? You can create your own topic as per your imagination and thoughts! ForOpina allows you to create your own Topics and have a good discussion on it. You can easily add images, YouTube URL and the topic text you want to add.ForOpinaCreate your Forum:


Looking for a right platform for a healthy debate? Your search ends here only as ForOpina is the right platform for it. All you need to do is click to Add Forum and you can create a new forum. Just select Title, category and your platform is ready.ForOpinaMy Points:


Collecting Points can be the most attracting point for the people to spend the time on the app everyday. ForOpina allows you to collect points on different activities of yours. You can check the number of points you have earned by visiting My Points section. You can also earn points by sharing the app, forums or topics.ForOpina

Language Choice:


Hesitate to debate because of unproficient language? Time to vanish all your hesitation as ForOpina is not only English based forum; even it supports Spanish also. You can choose your preferd language and can start your journey of sharing opinion.

Product Links (Mobile App Development Company in India)

Are you craving to convey something? Are you the one who never get the chance to speak in front of the people? Participate in the forums that already exist or create your own to speak your heart out about any topic.

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