GoLang- A Complete Details of All The Pros and Cons in Programming

GoLang- A Complete Details of All The Pros and Cons in Programming-

In the modern era, Google is not just used for searching for stuff. It has been steadily moving up the ladder by being adaptable in every area. With the GoLang programming language launch in 2007, Google has positively helped the industry.

Most people face a dilemma when choosing the GoLang programming language for their project. Before selecting a programming language for the project, we always recommend our users understand their mobile app development project well. The choice of the programming language majorly depends on the type of your project.

In this blog, you will get complete guidelines on all the pros and cons of the GoLang programming language.


Before we know the pros and cons of the GoLang programming language; you must know how exactly it works-

GoLang- An Introduction

GoLang is one of the top open-source programming languages created at Google. The three top engineers, Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson, have made the programming language.

The main motto behind creating the programming language was to solve the issues the tech titans observed with the prevalent languages at the time, notably C++. Google’s already enormous codebase grew in the late 2000s, and the era of multicore, networked computers and the start of the cloud computing revolution came. As a result, The senior software engineers at the internet giant were unhappy with the programming languages they had to rely on.

go developers survey 2022 top areas go used

Purpose of The GoLang Programming Language

The developers of the GoLang programming language mainly concentrated on finding solutions to problems that arose when building programs in other programming languages without ignoring their distinctive traits and features.

As a result, GoLang is correctly built on the grammar of the C/C++ language and offers the following extra advantages:

  • Memory Safety
  • Concurrency with Structural Typing in CSP
  • Maintain multi-threading
  • Garbage collection
  • Variables Are Automatically Declared


Let’s know When do we utilize Go coding? What are its use cases? 

Some popular apps work perfectly with GoLang or Go programming languages. We, as a top mobile app development company, often use the language in the development of these apps listed below-

  • Real-time Applications Development

Go is a perfect programming language for real-time app development and numerous software such as Instant messaging and chat programs, video conferencing software, solutions for community storage, online gaming, systems with embedded software, and many more.

  • Networking Development

Go is currently widely utilized in networking solutions and works fantastic with those incorporating Docker, built-in Go. The programming language includes goroutines and channels created to match contemporary technology’s demands.

  • Cloud Infrastructure

To process your data on a third-party server or a private cloud, Golang offers on-demand access to shared computer processing.

Moreover, the most popular Google Cloud and Docker platforms were also built with the GoLang programming language.

  • Microservices

Microservices are service-oriented software architecture that divides an application into more minor services to make it simpler to comprehend, create, and test. Go-kit offers support for microservices, including system observability and infrastructure integration, which is ideal for developing this cloud-native architecture.


Let’s know the pros and cons of the GoLang programming language-

There are various programming languages such as Java, C, Python, and many more, so you must wonder whether working with GoLang will benefit you. Here, we will clear all your doubts.


Simplicity and Ease of Use

Pro: The GoLang programming language is considered one of the most simple languages. The syntax is pretty straightforward to understand. Programmers with prior knowledge or no knowledge can quickly learn the fundamentals because its core is similar to that of C/C++.

However, the programming language lacks some features that other languages offer. It has limited scope.

Furthermore, GoLang is a safe refuge for background coding activities for people who have tried and failed at multithreading codes.

Con: No doubt GoLang is pretty easy to use, yet it allows for sloppy coding. The language’s seeming simplicity can also be challenging as a project grows and develops into something bigger.

Hence, it will not be wise to disregard alternative, more intelligent programming languages with robust bug-fighting capabilities. This programming language’s flexibility, exceptions, and generic features frustrate many developers.


Automation of Go:

Pro: GoLang includes functions like automated variable declaration, quick compilation, and latency-free garbage collection.

That means you don’t need to work on manual memory management. This automation ultimately saves time.


Con: Any programmer will be able to tell you about the drawbacks of utilizing programming language automation features if you ask him.

What happens if trash collection is started when it shouldn’t be, causing problems and slow server code responses?

What if automatic declarations make mistakes when the same variable name is used in nested scopes?

Think about the chaos!

The “belts and suspenders” strategy doesn’t sound more sensible?


Syntax Libraries

Pro: GoLang comes with rich libraries with built-in features and functionalities. These libraries are updated, and you can use them instantly for conservative developments.


Con: GoLang libraries are not that advanced compared to other libraries. As GoLang libraries are libraries, most developers prefer the old libraries.


Classic Syntax of C

Pro: According to C enthusiastic, Golang is the upcoming update. The programming language includes all the functionalities of C but none of the drawbacks. Features such as latency-free garbage collection and a straightforward file structure make it more unique.


Con: You can find other languages that are also similar to C. The other programming languages include Java, Swift, Rust, C#, C++, and Objective-C. Programming involves more than just beautiful curly braces and basic compiler building blocks. Even if it is, there is still a tonne more that can be done with other programming languages.


So, here are the things that we like about GoLang and we don’t like:


Things We Like About GoLang  Things We Don’t Like About GoLang
Quickly and easy to understand. New in the market & doesn’t have many libraries or information.
programmes can be instantly changed and executed. Underlying contradictions make its simplicity appear flimsy.
Golang language uses garbage collection, memory management is not an issue. Automation might invite mistakes when its scope is too narrow.
An only programming language with a built-in web server & a standard library. Dependency management is flawed.
Enables extensive software engineering and is backed by Google. Low-level features in a high-level language.
Compatible with C programming language. Tooling is inconvenient.


Final Words

As of December 2021, Go ranked as the 19th most popular programming language globally, according to Tiobe data.

Despite dropping from 16th rank a year ago, the usefulness of Go in cloud development and technology will ensure its status as one of the languages. In the coming years, the language’s popularity will increase even more.

Please contact us if you need to engage a development team or team extension with Go experience for a current or forthcoming project.

We’d be happy to learn about your plans and help ensure they are carried out effectively!