Lawzgrid Customer | Case Study

LawzGrid Customer: LawzGrid App: Legal Services Simplified LawzGrid App is a platform to take care of all your legal needs. Implementation(s):
• Free Question and Answers with Top Lawyers
• Various Categories of the Lawyers i.e. Divorce, Civil, Corporate, Property and more
• Easy Search based on category, experience and location
• Lawyer listing • Lawyer profile including Q&A ,Easy consultation, Blogs
• Legal News • Appointment Management
• Grievances Login
• Instant login /sign via Social Media
• Mobile Verifications with OTP Home
• Ask a Free Question
• Search by Category
• Blogs • Notifications
• Case Update
• Legal guide Blog :
• Blogs by Top Lawyers
• Comment and discussion with the lawyers
• Follow the Blogs Left Menu
• My Appointments
• Legal News
• Case Update
• Ask a Question
• Grievances App Download Links:
Lawzgrid Consumer (Google Play):
Lawzgrid Consumer (App Store):