How to master mobile app UX design – The 5 Key Elements

How to master mobile app UX design

A great idea alone is not just enough to make a great app. Mobile UX (User Experience) and design of the app are equally crucial for the success of an app. Best mobile apps are the ones that last long not only in the customer’s memory but also in the market.

According to Andrew Chen, “the average app loses 77% of its DAUs (editor’s note: daily active users) within the first 3 days after the install.” These days, customer’s expectations are changing. They want the best of the best of everything. In the digital sphere, there are thousands of apps that are launching each day. According to the reports, 2.2 million apps are available in Google’s App Store, and 1.8 million apps are available in Apple’s App Store. No wonder users have plenty of options to choose the best from. As customers have a plethora of options to choose from, so, it’s so apparent that they tend to have the one that is efficient as well as effective.

Customers always use Mobile applications that provide the best user experience. User experience is the major key to win a customer’s heart and unlocks mobile app success.

Today, we will discuss the list of core elements that you need to know to provide excellent user experiences to your customers.

Top 5 Major Key Elements to Master UX design

  • Win your customer’s trust

It’s so apparent that you create an app for the customers, so it’s essential to winning their hearts. In traditional stores, you can win their heart in numerous ways, like via your conversations, body language, and gestures.

Mobile apps should be considered digital equivalents to traditional stores where user experience is the only way to gain the consumers’ trust. If a customer doesn’t buy your product, there are high chances that they don’t trust you.

If you want to conquer their trust, you must have to be transparent, consistent, and genuine. You can list the brands that you have worked with, in a way that is well-noticed. Make sure your app has a feature that allows users to post feedback or raise disputes quickly and directly. This feature reassures your genuineness and affirms that you are open to feedback.

  • Less is more

This means you don’t need to show all the features in entry-level to the users. Show the most crucial elements to them. It will reduce screens and effort from users. Sometimes five screens or less is enough. There are chances that more screens may confuse users.

Not everything is essential at the entry-level.

  •  Draw inspirations from everything you see 

In the digital era, the trend changes now and then. To be in the market race, Mobile app designers and developers must draw inspiration from everything they see. As a famous old quote saying, that reads as ‘a good student is a good listener.’ This quote equally applies to user experience engineers as well. Regardless of the industry and sector, every app design can become an inspirational source for developing an excellent design for your app. For that, UX designers should have willingness to learn.

While creating an app for users, make sure you build the kind of apps that you want to use in the first place.

  • Minimize the need for typing

Make sure you keep forms short and straightforward. User experience resource UX Planet suggests that instead of putting irrelevant fields for the users to fill and submit, use auto-complete and personalized data where requires so that users only need to enter a bare amount of information.

  • A seamless experience for all type of devices

It is essential to create a seamless experience across mobile, tablets, desktop for your potential users. Make sure; there should be no difference for the same app in any of the different devices.

How do apps with good UX win?

  • Your users suggest your app to their friends on social media and digital forums, and you will get more users.
  • Your brand awareness improves.
  • Your app will get good ratings in the search engines and app markets. This will increase your user retention rate.

So, user experience is so much beneficial as well as interesting than you can ever imagine. In this article, we have discussed some of the critical elements of the user experience that can help you to develop mobile apps that outperform competition and stand out.

To know more about mobile UX design principles for your apps, Get in touch with us.

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