How the social media industry is transformed by Meme-making apps?

Meme-making apps

Over the last few years, memes have gained immense popularity all across the globe. Richard Dawkins introduced the term ‘memes’ in 1976 through his book ‘the selfish game.’ In the book, he explained memes as an idea or behavior that shows the current cultural system and passed on from one person to another within the community.

According to the report of Google, memes have replaced the most searched term of the internet ‘Jesus.’ Memes are quite famous and now a large part of our online culture. Do you know millions of people regularly search for the latest memes as they want to start their day with a good laugh that makes their 24 hours cheerful and bright?

Undoubtedly, memes are one of the best things that have happened to the social media industry. We can’t imagine our digital lives without memes. Most of us tend to show our presence on social media only for memes. Also, memes are considered as one of the excellent tools to reach potential customers.

Stats about Memes

As stats speak louder, so here we have some of the following stats about memes market:

  • According to the report, more than 50% of 13-35 years old send memes every week, and 30% send almost every day.
  • Approximately more than 40% of people follow meme accounts on social media.
  • Approximately more than 70% of the meme is created to make people smile or laugh.

Here, in this article, we will discuss how meme-making apps are disrupting the social media industry.

Meme-making apps: the future of social platforms

No wonders, memes are indeed future of social media as almost every person love meme. We can see the meme-making apps are also flooded with a massive number of people.

To be at the top of the meme-making app market, you need to have a USP that can make you unique from the others. You have to find out what your target audience is looking for in a meme making app. if your app can fulfill the requirement of the audience then, no one can stop your product from being successful.

Meme-making apps

Top Popular meme-making apps

We have also prepared the list of trending meme-making apps for both Android as well as IOS platforms:

* Tiktok
Tiktok is one of the most popular apps that is used to create short videos. It allows users to create memes with the background sound of any music or songs. Now, you can create/make memes easily.

* Meme creator
Meme creator is another popular meme creation app that has approximately 5 million users. The app has thousands of different backgrounds to create memes for users. It allows users to view the existing memes from other users and also share the ones that they like the most.

* Mematic
Mematic is one of the popular meme creation apps for IOS users. The app is a boon for new creators as it has a vast library of templates. It allows users to take advantage of the traditional to the latest templates. It has a monthly billable subscription model that allows a lot of pro features for the subscribers.

* Memedroid
Memedroid app has everything that a user wants from a meme creation app. whether it’s a gallery feature to a meme creation tool. It allows users to use their images to create memes in numerous languages. It also allows users to add comments or rate other user’s memes and share them with friends.
It has the largest online community of Gifs and meme lovers though it has very few features to get innovative while creating memes.

* 9GAG
9GAG is one of the video meme creation apps that is easy as well as quick. It allows users to share the meme that they create easily on all the social networking platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, and so on. However, some users find issues in downloading and using large images.

The bottom line

Memes can be used for marketing a product, a service, or a brand too. However, you have to make sure the marketing aspect is not very overt because then the people would reject it summarily. Always keep in mind that the purpose of a meme is to make the viewer’s laugh out aloud.

Here, we have some parting tips that can help you to create memes that can remain in the public memory for long:

  • Try not to overuse memes and bombard your viewers with them.
  • The main motto of your meme must is to make your viewers laugh.
  • Try to go for the platform that has more audience, and your memes are more likely to go viral.
  • Always try to go with a mix of the classic popular memes, recent ones, and original images/videos.

Do you have any meme app idea? Are you looking for the top mobile app development company? Share your meme app idea with us, and we will surely help you by building a feature-rich & functional meme mobile application.

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