TradeMachine is LIVE | Mobile App Development Experts USA | Mobulous

Mobile App Development Experts USA Mobulous

MOBULOUS’s developed TradeMachine is live. Mobulous turns dreams into a beautiful reality with 100% Client Satisfaction and Fantasy Football Trade Machine is one of them. TradeMachine is an app that will tell you how the football trade that you’re thinking about is going to work for your team!

Trade Machine is an app that considers the Fantasy League Structure; the rating of players involved in the trade and gives precise feedback to end-user. Every player has a Secret Rating which is updated every week after the last game of the week. After comparing the average player ratings, depending on how big the difference is, the grades can result in Awesome, Good, Equal, Bad or Awful Trade.

Brief about the App ( Mobile App Development Experts USA )

Fantasy Football Trade Machine is a PAID app available on App Store and Google Play, which tells you if the trade you’re doing is awful, bad, equal, good or awesome for your fantasy football team. You must select the scoring format of your Fantasy Football League and choose all the players that you want, and you are good to go!!

This app helps to immediately increase your chances of winning games, but most of all you’ll have great feedback for the trade you are thinking about doing. TradeMachine will be there for you wherever and whenever you need it. If you want to win your Football Fantasy League, then this is the app you need!

Key Feature List  for the Product ( Mobile App Development Experts USA )

Team Selection:

Team Selection feature allows user to browse through a list of players and select the player they want in their team to make the best team. The user will choose all the players they want in their dream team. After selecting the players user will see a list of players according to their ratings.


This feature allows user to add players in team. The average rating will be calculated of user and opponent’s team. This will allow to compare the rating of both the teams. After comparing the average player ratings, depending on the difference, the result is displayed with a message. The result can be Awesome, Good, Equal, Bad or Awful Trade.

Mobile Application Development Company USA

Product Links ( Mobile App Development Experts USA )

Google Play:

App Store:

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