Weather App is LIVE | Mobile App Development Company USA

Mobile App Development Company USA

Mobile App Development Company USA. Our Developed Fishcaster App is Live. App developed by Mobulous for a USA  Client. Fishcaster is a Mobile application platform that tells you the best days and times to hit the water for fishing. When should you go fishing.?

Brief About the App ( Mobile App Development Company USA)

Enter your weather preferences across numerous fishing-related variables and Fishcaster scores the next 7 days by comparing your preferences to weather data from Weather Underground. If you don’t have any specific preferences, use one of the built-in options based on seasonal weather patterns known to have the best fishing. Whether you want to fish when the fish are most likely to be actively feeding or if you just want to be safe and comfortable out on the water, Fishcaster can help you plan your trip.

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Key Feature List  for the Product (Mobile App Development Company USA)

Setting up Weather variables including:
1. Temperature: range and recent trend (rising, falling, or steady)
2. Barometric pressure: range (low, normal, high) and recent trend (rising, falling, steady)
3. Cloud cover: cloudy, mostly cloudy, partly cloudy, mostly sunny, sunny
4. Wind: speed range, direction, recent direction trend
5. Chance of precipitation
6. Chance of thunderstorms
7. UV index

Alerts can be set up to warn you about certain dangerous conditions, including:
1. Temperature above or below a certain degree
2. Barometric pressure above or below a certain level (in Hg)
3. Wind above a certain speed AND/OR from a certain direction
4. Chance of precipitation above a certain level
5. Chance of thunderstorms above a certain level
6. UV index above a certain level

Multiple sets of preferences and locations can be saved to cover all of your fishing situations.

Mobile App Development Company USA | Mobulous

The app is available to be downloaded from App Store.


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