On Demand Taxi Services App Development
Create your on Demand Taxi Services App Today
Core Solution Deliverable and Platforms
The 3-step process
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Coding and Review
Detailed Features of the Taxi Services Solution
Standard Disclaimer:
The specified screenshots are just for references highlighting significant features in the project domain. We create each app as a white label customized solution, where each app is developed uniquely for each client’s business model. We happily sign NDA to assure IP security.

Login and Sign up
App starts with the login screen
Sign up
Forget Password
Phone number Verification via OTP
Home screen with option to “Book a Taxi”
Customer Current Location access
Pickup location
Dropoff location
Saved location icons

Confirm ride screen
Option to review and confirm the ride
Pickup location
Dropoff location
Select service
Select payment mode
Promo code implementation
Get Estimate or request the ride
Confirm Ride or Scheduling
Option to confirm or schedule the ride
Pickup location
Dropoff location
Date and time
Ride now
Ride Later Scheduling

Ride Estimation
Estimation of the ride
Map Poly line view
Estimated ride price
Driver Receipt
Driver receipt for the payment of the ride
Ride address details
Map Polyline view
Driver details
Ride fare details
Payment mode

Driver on the way
Driver confirmed, allocated and on the way for a ride request
Real time map tracking
Driver details
Call the Driver
Message the Driver
Cancel ride
Left Menu
Left menu with easy access tabs
User image and username
Ride history
Ride Payment
Ride rates
Invite friends
Emergency contacts

Login and Sign up
Driver Partner can Login with his credentials
Secured Login
Sign up, On boarding process and verification by Admin
Location tracking once Driver Logs in
Ride requests
Driver Partner can easily access Ride requests
Passenger name
Passenger ratings
Pickup and Destination address
Option to Accept or Reject Rides

Driver Real Time Location Access
Driver location is accessed every 10 seconds
App will ask for location access so that App will able to access the real time location of the Driver while he is Driving.
Ride History
Ride History for the Drivers
Listing of various previous rides completed by the Driver
Date & time of ride
Pickup and Drop-Off Location
Ride time , Fair Details and Payment mode

Starting the Ride
Option to start a ride after accepting the ride
Real time map tracking
Option to start the Ride
Option to cancel the ride after accepting ( Penalty)
Mark Arrived
Driver will mark arrived when reached the Passenger location
When driver arrived at the pickup location of the passenger, driver will able to notify the passenger that he is arrived at the pickup point.
Once the Passenger sits in the Cab option for the Driver to start the ride

In Between the Ride
Option to update in between the Ride
Destination Address with option to navigate
Ride time
Distance, Fare, Payment Type
Add Wait time
End ride
Left Menu
Left menu with easy access tabs
Driver image and Driver name
Edit profile
Ready for ride i.e. Availability (active/inactive)
Fare details
My Payment
Help and Feedback

Business Admin Dashboard
Business owner can access the dashboard post login in the secured panel
Secured Access to the Dashboard
Total Rides
Total Registration
Total Revenue
Commission earned
Commission pending
Left Navigation panel
Real time Map Live tracking for Drivers and Rides
Driver Management
Business Admin Driver Management
Driver details
Total number of trips
Driver Commission
Driver Earning
Online status
Last login details

Business Admin Fare Management
Admin can access and manage the fares
Base fare
Surge fare
Region Selection
Car type
As per time
As per distance
Business Admin Geo Fencing Management
Admin can access and manage Geo Fences
Add new region over the map
View added regions over the map

Business Admin New Bookings Management
Admin can create and manage new bookings
Creation of New Bookings
Add Name
Add email
Select car type
Pickup and Dropoff location
Promo code
Map and Driver Details
Business Admin User Management
Admin can manage various users
Search Passenger
Passenger ID
Passenger details
Total number of trips

Business Admin Reports Management
Admin can manage various reports
Earning data
Graph representation
Ride Data
Business Admin Rides Management
Admin can manage the rides
Ongoing Rides
Scheduled Rides
Completed Rides
Missed Rides

On Demand Taxi Services and Uber Similar Apps Developed by Mobulous

Through Ryno Mobile App, one can easily book a taxi to his location within a few minutes. Just tap “Request Ride” button and you will get the nearest taxi at your doorstep who will drop you at your destination. You can book the taxi based on your choice like – Coach, Business and First-class service that will give you luxury feel till you reach your destination.
Ryno also gives you the flexibility to schedule your booking based on your future need. You just need to enter the date and time for your booking and app will send you a notification before your ride time will come.
TRYP is a transportation company based in Trinidad and Tobago that provides convenient and reliable ride sharing services.
With its easy to use mobile App commuters can connect to Drivers instantly and be taken from their pick up location to destination safely, comfortably and hassle free.
There is no need to walk to a public transit, hail a cab or drive your own vehicle.
TRYP is safer than conventional taxis due to our TRYP Tracking System, our vigilant Partner hiring process as well as our pre-installed Emergency System.
We also offer competitive pricing and payment options; via CASH to your driver
or the fare can be charged to your Credit Card. TRYP promises continuous customer satisfaction delivery that is backed by our driver rating and review system.Your safety and travel experience are our main priorities.
Book your TRYP today

Just Taxi
JustTaxi is a convenient and reliable ride sharing app that connects people seeking transportation With minimal interaction, there is no need to walk to a public transit, hail a cab or drive your own vehicle.
Simply, tap a few buttons on the JustTaxi app and your personal transport shows up in a few minutes. You can either pay the driver directly using cash or the cost can be charged to your credit card via our app.
JustTaxi is safer than using the conventional regular taxi due to our vehicle location tracking system, our carefully selected hiring process and also our Emergency button that is installed into the app.
JustTaxi is cheaper than using public taxis; additionally, we have a driver rating and review system which enhances an excellent riding experience.
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Mobulous Inc.
2035 Sunset Lake Road,
Suite B-2, Newark, New Castle,
Delaware 19702, USA
+1(302) 451-9403
Mobulous Technologies Pvt Ltd.
Ground Floor, H-146/147, Sector 63,
Noida, UP-India PIN:- 201301
info@mobulous.com, sales@mobulous.com
0120 4096514(HR)